Friday, November 21, 2008

Say what you need to say

Expect a stream of new blog entries; I know I'm behind. I've been writing here and there but never manage to post anything - massive internet troubles; a visit from Coady's volunteer coordinator, Natalie; the phone issue, of course, and grad school applications. I've been burying myself in plans for next year: funding applications, statements of purpose, CV revisions, and job searches. My heart is still so firmly in Africa but my head is starting to wander back home, just a little bit.

I take back my last entry - I'm still incredibly frustrated and upset about the phone situation (I spent the morning at the police station filling out paperwork while they refused to find an officer who spoke French or English... now I need to go all the way across town to drop the paperwork off with MTN in the hopes that they'll trace it) but I am not ready to come home. At all. Because Kigali is home. It's home without the people I love, which I never imagined; I always thought I associated thoughts of 'home' with people more than any place, but I'm out here on my own (well, aside from my lovely Coady interns + Logan) and I feel as much at home here as I did in Sackville or in my parents' home. Thinking of leaving this place, leaving these people... As much as I'm ready to get on with the rest of my life, I can't imagine the rest of my life not including Africa.

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