Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hurry boy, it's waiting there for you...

I am moving to Africa in 3 days. I've possibly gone crazy.

Luckily, I am completely without stress. I'm at the point now where I've decided that there's nothing I can do to change anything right now- so, here goes! I am not scared; I'm not stressed out; I'm not worried. To be honest, I'm not even really excited yet. It's still not real, and I think a sneaking suspicion that it won't feel real until the plane lands in Kigali. But seriously... I'm moving to AFRICA. It'll be interesting to see what the hell I've gotten myself into.

Classes are winding down (for us, anyway). Tomorrow is the last day and it's jam-packed. Class all morning, group photos at noon followed by an interview with the local paper (reminder: do not say "awesome," even under my breath, during said interview). More classes until 4, and then we're all climbing onto busses to head out to Crystal Cliffs for our send-off. Another meal away from meal hall, which is exciting.

Speaking of food, we had a fantastic potluck at Kim's (one of our coordinators). It was fantastic. Almost everything was vegetarian (hooray for me) and I baked a vegan cake, which was delicious. I have not felt so satisfied in the month I've been here. It revived my increasing desire for Rwandan food. Can't wait for food with a TASTE! After the potluck, a group of us (including Natalie, our new coordinator) went for a bonfire on the beach. It was such a great time, and it's really been these things that have gotten me through the past month. Another group of us went off to a beautiful private beach this evening... The water was incredibly warm and clear. It's funny how much I love being around these people who I didn't even know a month ago.

I'm up packing up my room... much harder than I thought and much more annoying, too. I forgot how much I hate packing! Oh well. Packing brings me one step closer to Rwanda!

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