Friday, September 12, 2008

A Numbers Game

10,548… is the number of kilometers between home and Kigali.
7,000… is the number of Francs I spent on a bus ticket to Kampala today.
5,000… is the number of Francs Katie and I are paying a taxi driver to take us to Nyabugogo bus station at 5am tomorrow.
300… is the number of Canadian dollars I have to live off of until my next stipend comes sometime in October…
142… is the number of days I have left in Rwanda.
46… is the number of schoolchildren I watched running after an FPR propaganda truck today.
19… is the number of times my internet has stopped working today.
10… is the number of hours I’ll be spending on a bus to Kampala tomorrow.
4… is the number of buses I missed this morning on my way to work.
3… is the number of cups of poorly-made coffee I’ve drank today.
3… is also the number of men I’ve seen beaten up by the police this week.
2… is the number of field visits I’ve been on since arriving here (but 0 is the number I suspect I’ll be going on in the near future).
2... is also the number of people who've called me fat since I got here.
0… is the number of new emails I had this morning (now that’s depressing).

As you may have noticed, I am off to Kampala tomorrow morning. Katie and I are braving the 10 hour bus ride at 6am tomorrow, coming back sometime on Monday, which is election day here for members of parliament and thus a holiday. We have no real plans, other than shopping a bit and seeing what kind of characters we meet at the hostel we're staying at. Adventures will be revealed when we get back!

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