Monday, January 26, 2009

too little time

Not too little time left here... Well, that too. But too little time to blog. I have all these great things to write about. But no time. So I'll make a list, and I'll get to them sooner or later.

- Moto accidents (not me, thankfully, and she's alright, even more thankfully)
- Music on the bus
- Market seamstress
- Friends I've made (maybe with pictures)

And something else I bet I forgot. Maybe I'll wait til I get back to Canada (I leave in 5 days, pretty much. Eek).


Bruce's Rwanda blog said...

Hey Cassandra - looks as if by the time you read this you'll have left Kigali. Why on earth didn't you contact me during your time here!! Bruce (the blogger)

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much Cassandra.
This is Enock Niyontezeho (Medical Coordinator/ ARBEF) I read and I'm really excited joy to read how you try to describe our history when we were at Ndego Sector , Kayonza District in Eastern Province of Rwanda.
If you have any other photos with you and especially my photos you can sent to me on my email:
Thank you and I wish you all the best.