Thursday, July 31, 2008

Un jour a Kigali...

Funny how one day can go back and forth from good to bad to great.

I had a hell of a time rolling out of bed this morning... the idea of leaving the (relative) comfort of my blankets was just unpleasant. But I finally talked myself into it and attempted to make coffee in my new coffee press (we visited a store called T-2000 last night... we affectionately dubbed it Kigali's Wal-Mart, as it had everything). While getting dressed, I heard an unfamiliar noise- the toilet flushing! We briefly had enough water this morning to flush, one and a half times. We also got home from Claire's house to find a refridgerator (!!!), a garbage can, and various kitchen utensils. My new bed is apparently supposed to arrive today... I may actually be able to stretch out with smacking my hands/head/feet against the bedframe. Our electrocuting hot plate is still in disrepair and some of our lightbulbs are still missing... but it's a start, and one we're all pleased to see.

So I was optimistic heading to the bus park, although I shouldn't have been... I've had bad bus luck as of late and have revoked my "superstar" status. On Tuesday, I waited an hour and a half for a bus to Kicukiro- only one came and there was no chance of getting on. A Belgian-Rwandese here visiting and his Rwandese uncle tried in vain to help me find a bus home but in the end, I took a taxi. I was so frustrated- 3000 francs out the window when I could have paid 170. The next morning, I waited over an hour. Three buses from Kicukiro to downtown came and went and again- no chance. I was almost pushed over in the rush of people trying to get on, as was the mother and baby I'd been waiting with. Finally, a German woman had picked up two Rwandese women I'd been waiting with, and they had her stop to pick me up as well, which was so nice. This morning, I waited, and one came and went... Kept waiting. A nun came over and said she and another nun were going to take a taxi downtown and would split the 3000 franc fare with me... I gave in. Today was the first day I arrived at work before 830.

I got to talk to my mum and Leah today! Definitely a highpoint, especially her little voice saying "I love you... BYE! BYE!" I had a shopping list prepared to go searching for over my lunch break(and I even knew where to go!) as I'm making supper tonight (or attempting to). So I leave my office... and here is the bad.

There is constantly construction going on all over Kigali; the city is really developing at a rapid rate. Part of these efforts includes the digging of ditches, presumably for water pipes. All week, dozens of Rwandan men have been digging with pickaxes and shovels in the hot sun, and now the ditches are dug and the pipes are laid. The problem is that the ditches are still open, and a ditch about a foot wide lies between my office's parking area and the street... I tried my best to get over but sure enough, I slipped and fell and my legs are scraped to pieces. And of course, to the amusement of alot of Rwandese around... it would be the silly muzungu who fell! Cue the rest of my unpleasant lunch, where my favoured market was closed and none of the others had the ingredients I needed... Frustrations galore today!

But back to good- I returned to the office, prepared to wallow in my boredom, frustration and pain... but in came Dr Laurien with actual, honest-to-God WORK to do! I have a call for proposals to read and summarise for him, and then apparently he and I will be working on the actual proposal. I am so excited! And tomorrow evening, I've been invited to "cocktail" in honor of a guest we have from Nairobi. I'm finally feeling a bit like I'm a part of things here...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Cassyface failing!
I hope you didn't scrap yourself up too bad.
I'm glad you got to talk to Leah and your mommy!:)